aivancity Paris-Cachan

Current methods of deep learning

Méthodes actuelles de l'apprentissage profond


This module is the second part of the certificate "Neuron Networks and Deep Learning". The objective is to explore current methods of deep learning and ways to apply them in a business context.



This course will give you :

  • In-depth knowledge of computer vision and neural networks
  • Robust skills with recurrent neural networks
  • Understanding the technical aspects of deep learning and its business application



  • icone équipe

    Day 1 : Convolutional neural networks

    What is a convolutional neural network? How to use them in computer vision and what are the business applications?

    The main concepts covered in this module are: convolutional neural networks, computer vision.

  • icone équipe

    Day 2 : Recurrent neural networks

    What is a recurrent neural network? How to use them and what are the business applications?

    The main concepts covered in this module are: recurrent neural networks and short-term and long-term memory.

  • icone équipe

    Day 3 : Conversational Artificial Intelligence

    Focus on automatic language processing and development of a chatbot in a business case.

    The main concepts covered in this module are: automatic language processing, chatbots and conversational artificial intelligence.

Current methods of deep learning


  • access

    Prerequisite Previous knowledge in data science and machine learning.

  • diplome

    Location Cachan

  • calendrier

    Duration of the training 4 days

  • calendrier

    Dates April 25 and 26, May 17 and June 7, 2023

  • calendrier

    Price€ 1950 (excluding tax)


fonds de dotation

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Our training programs are open to everyone.
If you have specific needs, especially related to a disability, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to welcome you and address your needs. Find the welcome guide and all the information about the support and assistance available for our students and participants with disabilities!

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